About Cheniqua

Cheniqua, (pronounced sha-NEE-kwa) is a wife of 12 years, girl-mom to 3 and a foodie! She is a proud HBCU graduate of Delaware State University and also received her Masters from Wilmington University. She has 20+ years of experience in Finance and Investments, but when she became bored and unfulfilled with corporate politics, she found her calling in Real Estate. “Che”, as she is affectionately called, uses cooking as her Love Language. She believes spending quality time with “Framily” is supreme and loves to meet new people to make lifelong connections. When Che is not growing her real estate business, she can be found in Florida visiting her sister and two nephews.

Cheniqua is quoted as saying,”Real Estate attracts me by the power it holds. Owning property and investing in our community, provides a vessel that can change the trajectory of your life. I want to be a part of this evolution.”